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Launch of the first online Vocational Training Linkage platform in Afghanistan

Date: 12 September 2019

On September 9th, 2019 DACAAR launched the first online Vocational Training platform in Afghanistan together with the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MoLSA). Vocational training providers can now search for potential trainees and at the same time employers can find graduates.

The Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, H.E. Sayed Anwar 'Sadat', said: "In two decades we have trained 250,000 individuals in different vocations. However, we don't have any data about the graduates’ skills and whether they started their own businesses or have jobs or are unemployed."

Referring to the E-government program to bring transparency and efficiency in providing public services, he added: "With the launch of this new online database, we can now better understand what kind of vocational skills are needed in the market and which ones are available.”

To ensure sustainability of the project, the MoLSA staff will receive training on how to manage the online platform. In addition, all technical vocational providers will be trained on how to enter their data into the system.

"The best part of this new Vocational Training online platform is that it will help the Afghan government and training providers to select the skills that are most needed in a specific location. Furthermore, the online system makes it possible to prevent duplications and there is no saturation of skilled workforce. Further, the graduates will be adequately linked to employers,” said Ravi Kharka, Head of DACAAR Technical and Coordination Unit.

The online platform is part of the EU-funded TAALIM consortium, which is a three-year project focused on sustainable reintegration and alternatives to irregular migration. The consortium consists of DACAAR, Mercy Corps, Aga Khan and DRC, as the lead. The specific objective is that IDPs, returnees and potential migrants, in particular youth, have enhanced market driven skills and knowledge for improved employability, income generation and resilience.

Start/end date of TAALIM project

July 2017- July 2020

Target of all beneficiaries

Direct beneficiaries: 7,200 Indirect beneficiaries: 43,200


Kunar, Kabul, Nangarhar, Helmand, Parwan, Kandahar, Badakhshan, Takhar, Bamyan, Nuristan, Laghman and Balkh

Contributions: Dagmar Ruehrig, Zohal Nasrat, Ravi Kharka