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New DACAAR programme strategy 2019-21

Focus is on relevance for the beneficiaries, access to the local communities and high-quality programmes.

The DACAAR board has just approved the new Strategic Programme Framework (SPF) 2019-21 that will guide our work in Afghanistan the next three years.

Focus is on relevance for the beneficiaries, access to the local communities and high-quality programmes.

During the 3-year strategy period, we will help 1.5 million vulnerable people to be in a better position to manage and influence their own life and improve their living conditions.

More focus on urban and semi urban areas

DACAAR’s priorities during the period will not show drastic changes from what we have focused on during the previous strategic period. Thus, our main target groups will be refugees, returnees and Internally Displaced People (IDP’s).

We continue to have a strong presence and to help people in rural areas, but based on the recent internal movement patterns among the displaced people, more focus will be on urban and semi urban areas.

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) will also in future be DACAAR’s prime area of intervention. Significant resources will also be put into Natural Resource Management (NRM) and in a further strengthening the integration between NRM, WASH and Small-Scale Enterprise Development (SSED).

Based on our experiences from the previous strategy period, we have decided to enhance Women Empowerment (WE) activities. They will be more cross-sectional and integrated into our other interventions.

Improving livelihoods, health and life quality

The Strategic Programme Framework 2019-21 aims at improving livelihoods, health and life quality on a sustainable basis for returnees, protracted IDPs and their vulnerable host communities.

By the end of 2021, beneficiaries would have improved livelihoods as measured by reduced time in collecting water and increased time spent on food production, income generation and girls’ and boys’ education, improved health as measured by a reduction in water borne diseases, and an overall improvement in the quality of life as perceived by the targeted men, women, boys and girls.

Emergency response strengthened

In light of the deteriorating security situation and repeatedly natural and man-made disasters, DACAAR will strengthen its engagement in emergency response by extending its scope and consequently being more proactive in alleviating suffering and saving lives.

To ensure sustainability, humanitarian intervention will wherever possible be linked to long term development work.

In future emergency responses, DACAAR might decide to include other relief activities such as provision of emergency shelter and distribution of non-food items including winter relief kits.

More than 10 million Afghans assisted

DACAAR’s overall objective is to contribute to addressing the acute needs of the most vulnerable and support early recovery and sustainable development for all Afghans.

Our vision is a peaceful Afghanistan where all people have equal access to services and opportunities and are able to actively participate in the country’s sustainable development.

DACAAR’s mission is to respond to emergencies, to alleviate suffering, support and capacitate local communities to build resilience and to decide upon and manage their own development process. Activities are implemented in cooperation with governmental and non-governmental partners with a particular focus on building their capacity to deliver services and facilitating sustainable and equitable development in Afghanistan.

Since its establishment in 1984, DACAAR has assisted over 10 million Afghans in 29 of the 34 Afghan provinces with safe drinking water, latrines, improved agriculture production, increased job opportunities and improvement of women’s access to health, education and economic opportunities.

What is a Strategic Programme Framework?

The Strategic Programme Framework will guide DACAAR’s management and staff in prioritising, implementation of activities and enable the organisation to respond to needs among the Afghan people in an effective and efficient way.

The Strategic Programme Framework is also a public document which informs relevant stakeholders and partners about DACAAR’s overall priorities and ways of working.

The priorities are based on the context analysis and by what DACAAR assesses to be the most likely scenario for the development of the country.