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From Struggle to Success: A Farmer’s Journey in Sra Qala Village

Samar Khan, a farmer from Sra Qala village in Chapahar district, Nangarhar province, faced severe challenges in providing financial support to his family of 12. As a smallholder farmer, his livelihood depended on maize and wheat cultivation. Despite his hard work, his income barely reached 3,000 AFN per season, making it difficult to meet his family’s basic needs.

This all changed when DACAAR with funding from DANIDA through the DANIDA-ROI, NRM project, implemented a life-changing initiative. Samar Khan was provided with a 7x30 meter greenhouse, along with essential agricultural tools, tomato seeds, and fertilizers like Urea, DAP, and microelements. In addition, he received extensive training through a Farmer Field School (FFS) established by the DACAAR, where he and other farmers learned crucial techniques in modern agriculture.

Samar’s training equipped him with a range of vital skills. "I learnt basic and essential agricultural skills and techniques such as weeding, irrigation of vegetables, post-harvest handling, and pest management through the IPM approach," he shared.


With his new skills and the greenhouse, Samar Khan's income has skyrocketed. He now earns 34,890 AFN per season from his tomato greenhouse, a significant improvement from his previous 3,000 AFN earnings. His newfound stability has allowed him to meet his family’s needs comfortably and cover his children's educational expenses.

Grateful for the support, Samar Khan plans to expand his greenhouse business. He is also committed to sharing his knowledge with fellow farmers, contributing to the growth of his community. "I will try to convey whatever I have learned to others," he said proudly.

Samar Khan’s story is a testament to how sustainable agricultural practices and training can transform lives.


Written by: Israrullah Sahil