+93 700 288 232

Annual Report 2017

Despite insecurity and access problems, DACAAR achieved all its planned targets for 2017. We invite you to read this brief overview and the 2017 Annual Report here.

The goal of publishing this Annual Report is sharing DACAAR’s achievements and challenges with donors, governments, national and international partners and the humanitarian community.

DACAAR implemented its programs according to the Sustainable Development Goals, and as a result improved the lives of 659,602 Afghan people, of which 50% were female. Services were provided in the following sectors: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Natural Resources Management, Small Scale Enterprise Development, Women's Empowerment and Citizens' Charter Afghanistan Project.

Furthermore, DACAAR extended its geographical reach and according to John Morse, DACAAR's Director: "Logar and Khost are not areas that are most accessible and this tests our important close connection to the local community even further. This reminds me of how difficult it is to work in the less secure areas." He also added: "I am happy with the direction DACAAR has taken. Although one always must be cautious, I do think we are on the right track."

The Annual Report also showcases DACAAR’s beneficiaries and their positive feedback about the services and goods received. One beneficiary stated: "DACAAR has changed my fate and future in a positive manner - not only for me but also for my wife and the rest of the family. I request DACAAR to continue their endeavours to train the vulnerable jobless and uneducated youth keeping them away from fighting, conflict and irregular migration".

Download Annual Report 2017