From Dependency to Self-Reliance: Basri’s Journey Through Poultry Farming
Basri, a 36-year-old woman from Dawlatzai Family in Chaparhar district, Nangarhar province, faced immense challenges as the sole provider for her family of eight. Since her husband became disabled in 2019, Basri relied on the kindness of neighbors and relatives to meet basic needs. However, this support was not enough to pull her family out of their financial struggles.
Her life took a positive turn when she became a beneficiary of the DANIDA-funded project implemented by DACAAR. Through the initiative, Basri received 20 chickens (18 pullets and 2 roosters), along with essential poultry farming supplies, including drinkers, feeders, poultry feed, antibiotics, and vitamins. Moreover, DACAAR provided her with technical training and advisory services to ensure she could run a sustainable poultry farm.
As a result of the support, Basri’s family now earns 4,800 AFN per month from the poultry farm, which has significantly improved their living conditions. Reflecting on this transformation, she shared, "We had a lot of economic problems, now it’s solved with the help of DACAAR. We became self-dependent."
With her newfound income, Basri has been able to purchase a solar panel and battery, providing light and cooling for her home during summer season. She proudly stated, “This has helped me protect my children from the negative impacts of the heat.”
Looking ahead, Basri plans to expand her poultry business and hopes DACAAR will assist her in finding new markets to scale her venture. She also encourages DACAAR to extend its efforts to other nearby areas to empower more women and vulnerable families.
Written by: Israrullah Sahil