
We carry a variety of emergency relief, early recovery and developmental interventions in Afghanistan. We tailor these to the needs and priorities of each targeted community, delivering interventions in an integrated way ensuring best outcomes for our beneficiaries.
Our interventions fall within one of the following broad thematic areas:
- Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
- Natural Resources Management
- Small Scale Enterprise Development
- Women’s Empowerment
Gender and women’s empowerment is integrated into all our work as a vital cross-cutting issue. We promote interventions dedicated to women, addressing DACAAR’s affirmative action policy that strengthens the Afghan women given their disadvantaged position in the Afghan society.
Our interventions contribute to the achievement of United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other relevant and important conventions such as Convention on Elimination of all Kinds of Discrimination against Women and UN Resolution 1325, which reaffirms the vital role of women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts.
At an implementation level, we apply a community-based approach to our activities and work directly and in partnership with the Afghan communities through Community Development Councils and other relevant and available community structures.
All our interventions include capacity building of the communities and stakeholders as an overarching principle. We provide no inputs and resources without the transfer of the pre-requisite knowledge and skills that will enable the beneficiaries to sustain and multiply those resources to improve their health, livelihoods and quality of life.